Join the community

Hundreds of people with Parkinson’s disease, care partners, and loved ones rely on Parkinson Wellness Projects to manage their disease and better their quality of life. Here’s what they have to say about us.

Leaving Home to Find Community

Why Daisy Moved to Victoria for PWP

For 32 years, Daisy and her husband lived in the Yukon. Then in the winter of 2019, she began falling down frequently. It wasn’t until August 2020 that Daisy was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. Since the Yukon doesn’t have any specialists, Daisy researched support groups and found Parkinson Wellness Projects online. It was the perfect fit for her, as Daisy had always believed in the benefits of exercise. So she and her husband decided to move to Victoria!

“I feel like I found my community, people who really understand how it affects your life. No one is staring at you if your arms or legs are shaking or randomly flailing about. PWP has also given me an opportunity to see how other people manage as their Parkinson’s progresses and talk about it.”

Exercising and Fundraising

Linda Believes in Living Beyond Limits

Linda was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2011 and discovered PWP in 2019. While she doesn’t live in Victoria, she participates in multiple Zoom exercise classes, accesses online education, and finds comfort in the Parkinson’s community. Not to mention, Linda and her son love to give back to the community by participating in the Douglas Mile - PWP’s largest fundraising event of the year.

“The more physical activity I do, the better I feel and the more prepared I am to face the daily challenges that Parkinson’s disease presents. The hard work of class participants, the smiles on their faces, the genuine caring for each other, and the laughter we share encourages me and connects me to this wonderful community.”

  • "PWP means the world to me as it provides a safe and enjoyable environment to strive to be the best you can be for that day. I am grateful in being part of the positive energy established by our great instructors and the other participants of the classes."

  • "PWP means community to me. It means support. It means caring. It means understanding. It means exercise. It means fun. It means friends. I feel blessed to be a part of this wonderful organization."

  • “The constant support and connection with other people with PD is so valuable… The smiles on Zoom in the morning starts the morning out great.”

  • “Parkinson Wellness Projects has been a lifeline for me and been instrumental in my abilities to manage and slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease.”

  • "My experience with the PWP team has been awesome. They have been so helpful in helping me to support my partner on his journey with Parkinson's."

  • “I am grateful for the wonderful and supportive coaches, info sessions and PWP friends I have made though my journey. It is the best way to start my day knowing we are all fighting the fight together.”

  • “As I reviewed all the things I have to be thankful for in my life, PWP came into my mind. Having Parkinson’s seems so much less scary and more manageable because of all the programs you offer and the skilled and encouraging staff who offer them. Thank you all.”

  • “The Zoom sessions with PWP have provided a lifeline to hang onto while I grapple with the early effects this condition, from a location that is not right in Victoria. Active exercise, positive energy, encouragement and humour are a winning combination of qualities that are piped into my living room each session. I can’t thank them enough for this service!”

  • “As we live in Sidney, the Zoom classes have been a great resource for my husband to participate with others in keeping up his physical condition. He finds the instructors very informative and keeps up his interest each day they are on.  It is great to have this connection with the Parkinson community. Many thanks.”

  • “I have been doing the Zoom Blue/Green FIT for several months on Tuesdays with Krista and Thursdays with Delilah. They both  have always outperformed "excellence" in their programs. Their knowledge leaves "no joint escaped" and the atmosphere of their sessions is so upbeat. Especially when Delilah starts to serenade! I truthfully can say that I look forward to their weekly exercise workouts... and that claim shows how much I regard the programs of PWP. Keep up the good work!”

  • "For both of us, PWP was a real “light bulb” moment. Anyone can read on-line about PD, watch Youtube videos or read books, which all were very helpful to us, but when we joined PWP, we met so many amazing people, all with their own stories of their journey, but once Jim realized everyone else shared the same challenges, whether it be emotionally or physically, he no longer felt alone. We both look forward to our exercise classes and meeting up with our PD family, we have fun participating with everyone and try to make it a fun time, we are all so fortunate to have the PWP, life would be very different for us if it wasn’t for the PWP."

Why the Parkinson’s community chooses PWP

Comprehensive Support

PWP offers a holistic approach to managing Parkinson's disease, providing not just physical exercise programs but also educational resources, counselling and support groups.

Accessible Care

PWP’s programs and services are available in person and online, and all our programming is funded by donations and grants.

Experienced and Caring Team

PWP's team consists of compassionate professionals with specialized knowledge and experience in Parkinson's disease management.


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