Are you interested in becoming a PWP Society Member? Members of the Society have the ability to vote on major resolutions brought forth by the Board, can stand for Board membership, and can vote to elect Board members at our annual general meetings (AGMs).
You do not have to be a member of the Society to be a PWP participant – our classes, support groups, workshops, and counselling are available to anyone who needs them.
To become a member of the PWP Society, you must confirm that you meet one or more of the following eligibility criteria:
You have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease or are , or have been, the primary caregiver, or immediate family member, of a person diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease;
You have been a participant in programs offered by the Society or one of the Amalgamating Societies in the past year or for a continuous period of at least one year, or;
You have acted as a volunteer for the Society or one of the Amalgamating Societies in the past year or for a continuous period of at least one year.
There is no cost to signing up as a Society member, and you are not required to attend the AGM if you are not available. If you’re interested in being a Society member, please complete the application form below and email it to info@parkinsonwellness.ca. You can also return it in person or submit it through the mail.