Parkinson Wellness Projects is a non-profit organization that supplies leading edge, evidence-based programs and other services that provide physical, emotional, and educational support for the Parkinson’s community.
Why PWP is important
There are nearly 3,000 people on Vancouver Island currently diagnosed with Parkinson's, and the number continues to grow. Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological disease with no current cure. However, Parkinson’s specific rigorous exercise has been shown to slow the progression of the disease. Come out and join others who are on the same journey as you.
We are determined to reduce barriers to wellness by keeping programming free and accessible to anyone living with Parkinson’s. There are no fees to use our new and fully equipped 5,000 square foot centre, attend fitness classes virtually or in-person, or to access our support groups and counselling service.
Our operations are funded through donations and from grants and contributions from local businesses and foundations.
PWP History
Classes offered
Support groups available
Learn about our journey to date
In 2020 PWP was formed from the amalgamation of two Parkinson's focused organizations: Headway – Victoria Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Centre, which brought a forty-year history of supporting our local community; and Parkinson Wellness Project, which had grown rapidly since 2012.
The Victoria Epilepsy and Parkinson’s Centre (VEPC) is established as a branch of the Vancouver Neurological Centre (VNC).
VEPC formally incorporates as a not-for-profit service agency detached from the VNC.
VEPC hires its first Program Coordinator, Maureen Matthew.
When federal funding for VEPC ends, a massive funding campaign from participants and donors, beginning with the Peninsula Co-op Charity Golf Classic, keeps the organization vibrant.
VEPC officially rebrands as HeadWay – VEPC, and relocates to their Oak Bay offices. This relocation expands both onsite services and leads to the creation of new services in off-site locations.
Physiotherapist Jillian Carson, and a small group of people also living with Parkinson’s, form Parkingo, which provides exercise classes at the Panorama Rec Centre and Greenglade Community Centre.
Parkingo formally incorporates as Parkinson Wellness Project.
With the help of an anonymous Donor, Parkinson Wellness Project opens a new Wellness Centre on Blanshard Street.
HeadWay VEPC and the Parkinson Wellness Project formally amalgamate into Parkinson Wellness Projects (PWP), bringing combined services together under one roof.
With demand for PWP services growing rapidly, the wellness centre is expanded by almost 50%, increasing PWP’s capacity to serve the growing Parkinson’s community in the Greater Victoria area.
The first annual Year End Match campaign is launched, bringing in significant contributions to fund programs and services.
PWP continues to collaborate with healthcare providers, post-secondary education institutions, and our marketing team to raise awareness and increase resources for people living with Parkinson’s, including our online exercise videos, our medication management support groups, and more.
Want to give to PWP?
Every $100 can provide fitness classes to a participant for a month.